Maplestory damage calculator. After attack, Lava Area Duration: 16 seconds, Damage: 85% per 1 second, Number of Attacks: 1, Max Enemies Hit: 10. Maplestory damage calculator

<s> After attack, Lava Area Duration: 16 seconds, Damage: 85% per 1 second, Number of Attacks: 1, Max Enemies Hit: 10</s>Maplestory damage calculator  MapleStory CalculatorsMeta CommunityA place where the Global MapleStory community can come together for GMS Meta resource

5x the amount required for the map/boss that's displayed on the small UI bar under the minimap is your goal. Catalyze gives Kaisers 30% Damage, for. Take for example the Crimson Balrog. 1T dmg in 40 sec, burst efficiency is 76. 1 All Stat % = Main Stat. Range = minimum and maximum damage you can do. As you can see, the more crit damage you have, the less each new source of crit damage is really worth. Skill final damage field is for classes that increases the skill final damage such as fire/poison mage's "Paralyse - Reinforce". Guild: Radiance. To begin, enter your equipment's level. 6 Damage to Boss Monsters 2. You just input all the new numbers into the old calculator and it works lol. As you may have seen in this thread, a lot of you were upset the MapleStory Calculators spreadsheet has been taken down. Finally, select your equip's "type". 13. After that, though, all those modifiers begins to play into action far more than the range itself and range becomes a. % ignore defense is an important stat but there are plenty of non-equip sources (legion, links, familiars, set effects), so you most likely don't need it on. 38. Enjoy! 21 Related Topics IED Effectiveness Charts. You just have to be Level 97. Cubing WSE (current) Starforcing Hyper Stat Legion Flaming Stat Equivalence Inner Ability. Seems to be a 20% dps increase overall. 1 = 121% = 21% damage gained. 12 Damage Range 2. Soul Tier List. MapleStory average cubing cost calculator (UI version) statistics maplestory nuklear Updated Oct 28, 2022; C. List of sources . Damage Bonus % Final Damage % LUK . Currently works for NL, BM, Hero, Drk and mages. You get 100% Damage for free by leveling to 200, and a lot of classes make it worse by giving you %Damage Buffs and not ATT buffs. MapleStory CalculatorsMeta CommunityA place where the Global MapleStory community can come together for GMS Meta resource. (Hurricane is temporarily capped at 21, Sharp Eyes is capped at 29, and Bow Expert is capped at 27) First, consider Hurricane. 3, which is 1. MapleStory Maple Legion Calculator. PHY/MAG ATK Increase (%) PHY/MAG DMG Increase (%) Boss ATK Increase (%)Now you add 21% att, so you deal 121% damage, which is ** 21%** more damage than you did before. First spreadsheet on google docs will help. DEX . The version of the browser you are using is no longer supported. These include Lion Heart Castle, Tera Forest, Monster Park, Future Perion and many of the Area Bosses. The optimization calculator is not yet complete. Maplestory M Damage Calculator. 35. I put together a spreadsheet that calculates the final damage increase for given values of IED and. 0 stars 0 forks StarMapleStory Calculators GMS Meta Community A place where the Global MapleStory community can come. Thanks for the answers! The formula on the Ayumilove website seems to yield really low numbers. SuckHard_Reboot • 3 yr. The original purpose of this thread was to find a compact formula for the damage poison does at each level. Star Force. 12%, BaM dealt 10. If you are unsure what category your equipment belongs. Set Effects. Totsugeki! 3DS Friend Code: 1418 - 6743 - 3192. 15 20% chance to ignore monster damage dealt; 2. At the moment I have it set to if 5 levels or higher than mob=1. Level: Your character's level. Just wait until we start adding probability calculators ourselves, but with damage calculation involved as well!SuckHard's Maplestory Tools. WDEF: Your character's total Weapon Defense (WDEF) stat. Step 1. For example: Polearm = (STR*0. If you still have questions about the methods used for the final damage percent change calculations let me know. . MapleStory Fantasy anime Action anime Adventure anime Anime. Stat Values are different for some classes, most notably DAs and Xenons. The Formulas of MapleStory Im working on making a huge spreadsheet that will show where it's best to train and have a full accuracy calculator, but I need some help with the formulas. Code based on u/robinsongz 's project. 3k touch damage, and 3. The original purpose of this thread was to find a compact formula for the damage poison does at each level. WDEF: Your character's total Weapon Defense (WDEF) stat. Midnight Chaser Helper. Spell Trace / Scrolls. 7T in 40 sec, burst efficiency is 51. LUK % on Equips . This tool is designed to optimize your legion and hyper stats against end-game bosses. Each symbol will start by giving 10 Sacred Power / Authentic Force, as well as 500 of your main stat, or equivalent. 4 comments. Let’s begin. Monster Life. SuckHard's Maplestory Tools. At 60% crit damage, an 8% crit damage is only an increase to output of 5%. card classic compact. 13 Level Advantage Multiplier 2. With +40% boss damage, you go from 360%-> 400% boss damage and that is 4. MapleStory Boss Range Chart/Table. Since the Destiny update of Summer 2022, mainly because of the addition of presets, a lot has changed to Hyper Stats. The results are: Max Damage, 2437114704 * 0. 150b, 200b, and 250b of HP that your main can attack before the shield comes up and you can only do damage through auto-attacking (25% is because 4/5 of the Union boss HP is shield HP). A place where the Global MapleStory community can come together for GMS Meta resources and discussions! 17. Forums > MapleLegends - Old School MapleStory > Guides > Jobs > Welcome to our site! Please take a moment and Register. Boss Crystal Prices. Flame Stats. +%total damage is renamed to just %damage. Lv. Many equipment were. Boss Damage. Choosing Warrior will give you a damage taken that is a bit higher than you will actually take so it can be a good idea when. I put together a spreadsheet that calculates the final damage increase for given values of IED and. For example, Lotus has 300% PDR. Namely Ayumi's formula compilation and the attack speed reference. So let's take your lotus example with 81% ignore pdr multiplicative: 50% damage reduction + 19%~ defense not ignore of 300%. 25 = 1250 damage points. 100%; see below). I've now gathered the percent… In the update, the % Damage on Dawn Warrior’s “Rising Sun” skill, and the boost it gets from the “Master of the Sword” passive is being changed to % Final Damage on the basis of “it helps Dawn Warrior scale better, consistently. A Maplestory Nodestone builder to keep track of trinodes and possible perfect trinode combinations. For. This guide will serve as a Character Stat Introduction in MapleStory M. (Mihile included) Evan: you have at least 30% MP (Dragon Fury) Kaiser: you are in defensive stance (add 45 attack for offensive stance). This boss guide to required ranges and other metrics is presented based on the boss difficulty list order within MapleStory (bottom to top, left to right) and is for solo kills. Maplestory Range Calculator Assumptions: At least level 140 All Skill Points used Attack, % Attack and % Damage from passive skills included. 600 (Entire event) Max Possible Total = 21,800. THE REAL DAMAGE FORMULA. 120 main stat + 2% all stat (120 + 2 (8) = 136. Verify if an equipment is enhanced with 15/30/70/100% spell trace. WSE Comparison. Potentials / Cubes. ↦ MSEA. ~7 grand for 30% ATT bpot . I find this useful to use when I want to know what equipment/stats will net me more DPS. Majority of these numbers are credited to the Godfather of MapleStory numbers/maths, Ayumilove. Memory's Puzzle Play. Hidden Street is a fansite set up to provide cohesive and comprehensive information to MapleStory gamers. Event: 5/10/15 +2 Stars (Up to 10 stars) 30% off No Boom Event (Up to 15 stars) Note: Getting above 22 stars on Normal gear is very unlikely. MapleStory and any related images and content are copyrighted by Nexon. This means that xenon gets the short end of the stick on the symbols since 117 * . SuckHard's Star Force Calculator Star Force Experimental Probability Item Level: Item Type: Star Catching: Safeguard: Current Stars: Target Stars: MVP Discount: Server: Event: 5/10/15 +2 Stars (Up to 10 stars) 30% off No Boom Event (Up to 15 stars) Non-Reboot: Use No Boom AEEs (Tyrant Only) Number of Trials: Calculate Title: Poison Damage Formula for Fire/Poison Magician Written by: ThunderStrike Edited by: Ayumilove Thanks to Silencer I now know the formula for damage per second to be 1/(70- Skill level). Sweetwater weapons don't have random bonuses, they are fairly similar. Damage Bonus % Final Damage % Critical Damage % LUK. MapleStory Calculators Share. Best. 11 or about +11% damage increase. 800k+ damage if you’re in a party or 2 – 3m to solo. Title: Poison Damage Formula for Fire/Poison Magician Written by: ThunderStrike Edited by: Ayumilove Thanks to Silencer I now know the formula for damage per second to be 1/(70- Skill level). Receive special 1 on 1 support that will walk you through every question you have about the calculators! Download v. The calculator will automatically update the table below based on your input. . noclowndude • 5 yr. Range is affected by mainly your attack/magic attack, main stat (STR/DEX/INT/LUK), and damage multiplier (usually buffs), so to. Robert's been handling the Maplestory Calculators for years, he's a well known member and has recently transitioned from the google sheets to the app. MSM Calculator. And no, "Damage %" isn't the same thing. It was explained in my earlier post that %damage is calculated the same as %boss when you're fighting a boss. 32. A browser application used to calculate damage per line and estimated run time on benchmark bosses based off of a player's stats in MapleStory. 2 Reboot Worlds 2. Enter Your Stats. 6. To calculate flame score it is, (Main Stat + (Weapon/Magic Attack x 4) + (% All Stat x 8) + (Secondary Stat/8)). We see now that this was not right of us to do, and so we brought it back up. Almost all your Crushed Skull calculations are done with the Red Katana APM, inflating the actual dpm of Crushed Skull. The stat PHY DMG was capped at 100%. It'd be nice to at least have a total amount shown like it is for pretty much all other stats. PHY/MAG ATK Increase (%) PHY/MAG DMG Increase (%) This calculator calculates the amount of damage done by your character. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. The new damage formula discards the old formula method :-– Does not use stab-slash animation. For anyone wondering, according to these calculators, 8 crit damage emblems (assuming no cap or hidden penalty after 300%) results in the most damage, followed by 4 crit/4 boss, 8 boss, and last 8 phy atk. Periodically creates 4 volcanic bombs. One of the popular maplestory calculators (masterobert's) reverse calculates your attack from damage range, stat, damage%, etc. [Update Nov 1] There is a known issue where players with My Home Halloween Shopping in progress will be locked out of doing any additional shopping, unless they cancel the Halloween Shopping first. The new defense ignore formula in Unlimited takes every single source of ignore separately, and uses them multiplicatively. Thanks in advance. In a vacuum, %ATT = %Damage would give you the best damage increase, but this isn't attainable for a few reasons. If you're short on the amount of Arcane or Sacred Power needed for the entered region, you will deal reduced damage to the monsters, and take additional damage from them as well. Spell Trace / Scrolls. You just input all the new numbers into the old calculator and it works lol. I recently created a flamescore calculator that allows you to save and compare your flames in a way that allows you to easily see your worst ones so you know which ones to work on. Nate will hit weaker, but dark sight will be stronger. Whether it be increasing range, boss %, IED, or just learning how to dodge certain. StrategyWiki ⏷ Maplestory Services Maplestory Japan (JMS) Maplestory Korea Test Server (KMST. You should. 76. If several volcanic bombs. 2. Maplestory Japan (JMS) Maplestory Global (GMS) Maplestory Korea (KMS) Maplestory SEA. Increase final damage based on a portion of DEF. Use my Stat Equivalent Calculator to determine the ratios for your character. Damage To Normal Mobs: Status Resistance: Knockback Resistance: ATT Power/Magic. Damage at master level will be. Meso Explosion damage. 10. 3. Stat Equivalences. . Run 2 secondary weapons imo. ↦ KMST. -one value with the right amount of INT for our current end game bishops in GMS, around 75-80k INT, not including Oz ring. With this, you can do things like: Compare your damage gain from one piece of gear to another, including average damage with crit rate. 59%. 35% damage. Average Non-Crit Damage Per Line: Average Crit Damage Per Line: Average Total Damage: PHY/MAG ATK. Hidden Street is a fansite set up to provide cohesive and comprehensive information to MapleStory gamers. Here’s a simple guide on what is the minimum damage based on your Mu Lung Dojo Floor Levels for each of the bosses according to the sequence in Maplestory under Boss Queue. 2. ↦ Maplestory Inven. For all two-three of you who might have used the calculator I made for arcane symbols a while ago, here's a link to the updated version with the new costs of.